
Benefits and properties that did not know of fruits

Fruits are foods we eat as small snacks during the day, either for lunch or for dinner, but do not know the benefits they bring to our body, is a food that gives us a healthy life, consuming them in small or large portions, like legumes and cereals provide us with proteins, carbohydrates and other benefits, if we inquire about the food pyramid can see that ranks second this which indicates that it is an important food, just as if we We went to a specialist and nutritionist will tell us that we
need to consume at least 4 times a day.
Some benefits provided by fruits are:
Vitamins are the main contribution that the fruit provides us because we can be consuming vitamin A (improves eyesight), vitamin C (helps to assimilate iron), D (aid the functioning of bones and muscles) and if we eat small portions can find some of the B vitamins such as B1 (which helps the cardiovascular system), these food allows us to prevent a certain number of diseases including colon cancer.
The skin of the fruit contains a high amount of fiber, which is a benefit for cardiovascular health, so it is advisable to wash the fruit, but do not peel or remove the shell, it is best to consume with it.
Fruit tends to be depurative ie helps prevent fluid retention, because it contains a large amount of water, about 100 grams of fruit tends to be 80 grams of water.
Some minerals that are the fruit provides potassium, which allows for a healthy nervous system, calcium is essential for maintaining bone health.
Some fruits do not add fat to the body.
They are a source of energy.
Because antioxidants that prevent aging and protect tissues and cells of our body, but also maintain the clean, smooth and healthy skin.
Without realizing it we consume a food in small quantities that provides many benefits, fruit is a very tasty food some attract attention because of their beautiful colors, the consumption of these should be at intermediate hours brunch, lunch-dinner , small snacks during the day, because as mentioned before any amount is a benefit.
Recommendations for consumption.
Fruits should be eaten with a low glycemic ie sugar index, just as consuming fresh fruit not canned, it is preferable alone eat them, because if we accompany it with food that will stay longer in the stomach because the other foods require more time for digestion

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