
All Natural Beauty Tips For Any Skin

Since the dawn of time people have used nature's ingredient's to care and maintain the health and beauty of their skin. We all want a clear glowing complexion. I’m excited to share top natural beauty tips. These are super easy to do at home with just a few ingredients and its help you save time, money and your health. And the best part is you’re using the healing powers of nature and supporting your body’s innate
healing capacities to look naturally beautiful.

1. Banana and Egg Hair Treatment

Looking for a little more shine in your hair? Simply mix one egg and a mashed up banana. Apply it as a thick paste to your hair and leave it on for 10 – 30 minutes. Wash it our doing your usual hair washing ritual (if you usually use a store-bought conditioner you’ll probably only need to condition the ends). And voila!

2. Use Raspberries And Coconut Oil For Brighter Lips

In a small saucepan on low heat, warm 1 Tablespoon coconut oil until liquid. Remove from heat and add 4 fresh or frozen red raspberries. Mash berries and blend until smooth. Place in a small glass container and refrigerate until firm. Use clean fingers or a lip-gloss brush to smooth over lips. Make this fresh every few days.

3. Moisturizing Nail Treatment

Soak your nails in olive oil for five minutes. And then sit back and admire your pretty hands.

4. Simple Honey Face Mask

Raw honey is naturally anti-bacterial and a super quick way to get soft, beautiful skin. Once a week use a tablespoon or so of raw honey (not the processed stuff parading as honey) and gently warm it by rubbing your fingertips together. Spread on your face. Leave on for 5 – 10 minutes and then use warm water to gently rinse it off and pat dry. Then bask in the glow of your honey-awesomeness. This raw honey is awesome, by the way.

5. Hydrate Dry Skin with Coconut Water

Start your morning with a glass of fresh unsweetened coconut water. And throughout the day drink filtered water. At meals include skin-hydrating foods such as wild salmon, avocado, olives, and coconut.

6. Apple Cider Vinegar Clarifying Shampoo

For those who are using commercial shampoos: To help eliminate any build up in your hair, mix ¼ cup organic apple cider vinegar with 1 cup water. Follow with your usual conditioner.

7. Remove Dead Skin and Revitalize Your Face with an Organic Papaya Mask

Many exfoliates contain abrasive ingredients that scratch your skin which can damage your skin and speed aging. Instead, it’s better to use an enzymatic exfoliate. Papaya contains the natural enzyme papaya and pineapple contains the enzyme brome lain, which helps naturally exfoliate the skin, leaving it smooth and soft.If you have sensitive skin, use ripe papayas because they’re less likely to trigger an inflammatory reaction.

8. Elbow and Knee Exfoliate and Skin Brightener

Cut an orange in half and rub it on your elbows and knees. Helps soften those rough patches. And it smells good.

9. Turn Mineral Makeup Powder into A Natural Sun block

Use tinted mineral sun block instead of foundation or mix your favorite mineral makeup powder with a sun block like this one for a natural makeup that is light and protects your skin from the sun’s damaging effects. Mineral (zinc oxide) based sun blocks sometimes appear white and pasty so adding a mineral makeup tint helps your skin look glowing and smooth. 

10. Gentle Body Scrub

Mix a 2 to 1 ratio of olive oil and sea salt to make a quick and effective body scrub. This helps get rid of dead skin cells creating softer, more glowing skin. And this natural beauty tip is much cheaper that expensive store bought body scrubs.

11. Get Natural Glowing Skin with Micro nutrients

 Your skin needs certain micro nutrients (vitamins and minerals) for speedy skin repair and turnover. Zinc, vitamin A, and vitamin C are some of the important nutrients to get from food or in the form of a supplement to help ensure your skin remains healthy, especially if you have chronic skin issues such as acne, eczema and premature aging.

 12. Easy Deep Conditioning Hair Treatment

Want super soft, hydrated hair? Use melted coconut oil as a deep conditioning hair and scalp treatment. Massage coconut oil into your scalp and then work it through your hair. Leave it on for a couple of hours and then wash it out using shampoo. Coconut oil will saturate your hair with awesome goodness… that can be really hard to get out with just baking soda and some natural shampoos. You may want to try just a little coconut oil on a little section of hair and see if you can get it out before you do this. Otherwise you might have really greasy (but soft!) hair for a few washes.

13. All Natural Black Head Removal

Place 4 or 5 drops of raw honey on an open lemon wedge. Then rub the lemon on your face for a minute, emphasizing any trouble areas. Leave the mixture on for 5 minutes and rinse with cold water. (Keep in mind that citrus can make your skin photosensitive so it’s best to do this before bed rather than before going outside).

14. Dry Brushing for Better Skin

Dry brushing is a simple detoxification process for your body. It stimulates a number of organs through a gently massage. It also helps the lymphatic system, eliminates dead skin coatings, strengthens the immune system, can eliminate cellulite, stimulates the hormones, and can help tighten skin through better circulation. Best of all, it’s cheap and easy. Learn more about dry brushing and how to do it here. Here’s a great skin brush to get you started!

15. Stop Dark Circles under Your Eyes with Arnica

 If you have chronic under eye circles, you may have “allergic shiners” which indicate a food or environmental allergy. Try to identify any possible allergens and avoid them for 10 days to see if you notice a difference. If you wake up with an occasional darkness under your eyes then try using arnica gel or skin care products containing arnica. Arnica has powerful anti-inflammatory properties that alleviate swelling and reduces the appearance of dark under eye circles.

16. Use Aloe Vera To Transform Red Irritated Skin Into Soft Healthy Skin

If your skin is red and irritated, you’ll want to soothe it right away. Prolonged inflammation of your skin can cause your skin to break down collagen. Or, if you just want smooth, vibrant skin, you can also use this skin soother. Aloe Vera gel has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and healing properties, and it penetrates the skin easily to provide nourishment. It’s terrific for soothing skin that’s been overexposed to the sun, as well as for treating minor cuts and scrapes, eczema, and acne.

17. Brighten Dull Skin Using Green Tea As A Toner

 White and green teas applied topically on the skin have anti-inflammatory, brightening, evening, cleansing and hydrating properties. They’re ideal for using as a skin brightening tea toner. You can make a tea toner with one or both of these teas by steeping the teas for 5 minutes, allowing them to cool to room temperature. Then, either pat onto your face, apply with cotton pads or pour into a spray bottle and sprits onto clean skin.

 18. Clean Facial Pores With Honey, Turmeric, And Yogurt For A Smoother Complexion

 Combine the healing, clarifying, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial effects of honey with pore cleansing and sebum balancing effects of turmeric and pH enhancing and lactic acid effects of yogurt into this pore cleanser… Mix together 1 Tablespoon plain yogurt, 1 Tablespoon raw honey and 1 teaspoon turmeric powder into a paste. Apply to face and neck and leave for about 10 to 15 minutes. Then wash with cool water, pat your skin dry and apply your favorite serum and moisturizer.

19. Use Chamomile Tea Ice Cubes To Freshen Up Tired Looking Skin

Brew a strong pot of chamomile tea (about 1.5 cups water with 1 teabag), allow to cool 10 minutes or more and then pour into ice tray and place in freezer. Once frozen, wrap the tea cube in a thin cloth or washcloth and apply to pimples, puffy under eye skin, sun-kissed skin, or irritated skin for a quick skin toner pick up. You only need to apply for a few seconds to a minute per area.

20. Get An Instant, Youthful Skin Lift Using Antioxidant-Rich Natural Actives

Avoid the neuro toxin Botox and other more invasive procedures and look to nature instead. Antioxidant-rich and hydrating natural actives can lift and protect the skin naturally. And, one of the ingredients in quality organic skin care serums is Pollutant, which has an instant lifting effect, naturally! It is a polyacrylamide produced from starch by cultivating the yeast, Aureobasidium Pullmans. It provides an antioxidant effect as well as an instant lifting effect that helps improve the overall texture and appearance of the skin. Long-term use of Pollutant will help strengthen the integrity of the skin.

Take Care

Remember, the best all natural beauty tips and secrets are not quick fixes. They require good sleep, stress management, proper nutrition, and physical exercise. While all these little “gems” above can provide some oomph to your beauty routine, remember that real beauty is a result of taking care (or “thanking”) your body on a daily basis. And by being you. Because you are beautiful. I hope you enjoyed these natural beauty tips.Feel free to share them with your friends, and spread the word about natural beauty.

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